The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU
The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU
The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU
The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU
The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU
The Two Ears Theorem - AMA//MIZU


AMPFEMININE has arrived to stimulate and arouse the creatives lurking in the darker corners of Rotterdam. AMPFEMININE aims to add a lovely variety of colour behind the decks and add the feminine energy that is missing in the power dynamics that are currently in place.

A dancefloor of bodies interacting and reacting, reminding each other of their physicality. With Rotterdam as a base, AMPFEMININE curates events and plays music different to the sounds you’ve heard before. They turn the volumes up and raise the levels of standard for what a party means, and eventually shatter the glass ceiling. They aim at the production and reproduction of radical dancefloors and events which foster safety for all who may enter. Overexpress and blur your vision on what you are told the world is meant to look and sound like.