Flip The Script Palestine | Nicky Böhm & Lisa Moorish
- Talk Show
With Florence Jimenez Otto, and German By Accident
S(GBA) and Florence Jimenez Otto present an informational podcast by two female industry participants about Co-Dependency. This talk show format covers the following areas:
What does codependency mean? in contrast to romantic love relationships
How do narcissism and co-narcissism relate to each other?
Codependency in the creative industry & artist-agent relations - ecosystem based on personal relationships
Fame as a magnet
What are the symptoms? How do I know that I am possibly co-dependent? Shame and low self-esteem, people pleasing, poor boundaries, reactivity, caretaking, dysfunctional communication, obsessions, dependency or denial
Ways out of co-dependency - becoming aware of them, setting clear boundaries, selfesteem, leaving artist relationship / toxic environment
NSNS provides a PDF with recommended videos, literature, places and institutions to follow up independently on Co-Dependency. Contact details to reach out to Florence Jimenez Otto as well as the opportunity to submit papers related to the topic to NSNS are added in the PDF.