Secret Hüftschwung | Buzz Boris
- Jazz
- Hip-Hop
- Neo Soul
A few months back Aver & Ayjay Nils thought it would be a good idea to show each other the new material they were working on and have the other probe them on why they made certain choices and offer honest critique. Kinda like when someone finishes their thesis and has to defend it in front of a jury of their peers. Hence the title: Thesis Defense.
Richard Akingbehin often says he wants people's radio shows to be more like the music they play in their bedroom than a seamless DJ club mix, so Aver & Ayjay decided to do their next thesis defense session live on air. So expect lots of nerdy production chat & unreleased music, in particular cuts from Move 78's forthcoming album "Game Four".
Aver, and Ayjay Nils